Organize and curate assets in a shared library

Get your video team on the same page with a shared library for browsing, organizing, and editing assets.

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Get a centralized view of all your team’s work

Import all your video from wherever it lives, then browse your media library and see past and present projects in one place.

Browse and preview all your assets

Upload from all your sources

Centralize and standardize brand assets

Create a source of truth for logos, colors, LUTs, intro and outro sequences, and more.

Create a shared folder structure

Stay on the same page with a folder structure that’s consistent for your entire team.

Organize and curate assets to speed up editing

Work together to organize and tag your media, comment on sections to create selects for later, and find media faster.

Edit with transcripts

Automatically transcribe clips, then create selects by highlighting the excerpt you’re looking for.

Create and share selects

Leave time-stamped comments to mark sections for later use in edits.

Comment with teammates

Discuss media with your team to prepare for edits or call out key clips in your library.

Easy tagging

Add tags to individual clips or entire folders to filter and find related media faster.


Storage that scales with you

Need to move a large library of assets to Scenery? Contact us for help with migration and advanced storage options.

Try Scenery for your next video project

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